FestestellungserklärungALL YOU NEED TO KNOW
Tax reportGrundsteuer
A property tax return is required for anyone with ownership rights, part-ownership rights, or heritable building rights to a plot of land. For the first main assessment, this is called the cut-off date. Therefore, anyone who owns a property before or after 01.01.2022 must file a property tax return.
If there are several owners in total, only one owner must submit the property tax return. However, all owners must be included.
What constitutes real property?
There is no distinction made here between developed and undeveloped land. The obligation applies to ALL plots of land.
Do you want someone to assist you with the new help-to-buy program? Get in touch with us today!
You want someone who assists you with this new help-to-buy scheme? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
It’s that easy
The easiest way is to have a data analysis done and to process all relevant data. Otherwise, there is a high risk that you will need a lot of time and that the assessment notices will be incorrect in the end. You need support here?
Contact us!
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